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[转贴] TimelineRemove 0.8 - 關閉臉書新版Timeline模式

发表于 2012 年 5 月 7 日 14:08:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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關閉Facebook新版時間軸模式 - TimelineRemove,只要安裝了這個瀏覽器外掛,就能夠關閉臉書新版的時間軸顯示模式,不過這只是變更你的瀏覽器顯示方式,不會去更改臉書的設定,因此,當關閉、移除或未安裝外掛時,就會恢復原本的顯示方式,支援ChromeFirefoxIE等瀏覽器。(阿榮

If you don’t like the new Timeline feature on Facebook and want to view profiles in the old style,
then TimelineRemove is the perfect extension for you. This tiny, but handy tool disables
the new Facebook timeline feature and restores the classic look,
without changing the timeline behavior for other visitors of your Facebook profile.
The extension basically works by hiding the timeline, so you can view your own and others’ profiles
in the old style.
TimelineRemove works automatically once installed, and a button is added to the toolbar that lets
you toggle the timeline on and off, whenever you want.

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