PSPad 是一款功能十分強悍的免費編輯軟體,一般使用者可以將它當作記事本的替代品,而對於程式開發者而言,它絕對是不可或缺的好幫手,讓開發者能夠藉由它的便利性來更快速地完成手邊的工作。文字編輯軟體何其多?要在這一堆文字編輯器中找到一款適合自己使用的還真不容易。對於許多使用者而言, Windows 內建的記事本也許已經夠用了,但是對於需要進行程式、網頁開發或是大量文字編輯的使用者而言,記事本絕對是不敷使用上的需要的!
PSPad is a freeware programmer's editor for Microsoft Windows 操作系统s, useful for people who:
* work with various programming environments
* like highlighted syntax in their source code
* need a small tool with simple controls and the capabilities of a mighty code editor
* are looking for a tool that handles plain text
* want to save time - PSPad offers rich text formating functions
* need tool what offer user extension capabilities
* want to save money and still have the functionality of professionalproducts because PSPad is free for commercial and government purposestoo