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[转贴] Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor (EWSA) v

发表于 2011 年 1 月 11 日 15:47:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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ElcomSoft是一家俄罗斯软件公司,出品过不少密码破解软件,涉及Office、SQL、PDF、EFS等等。近日ElcomSoft又推出了“Wireless Security Auditor 1.0”,号称可以利用GPU的运算性能快速攻破无线网络密码,运算速度相比使用CPU可提高最多上百倍。
在Core 2 Duo E4500和Core 2 Quad Q6600处理器上,该软件每秒钟可以试验480个和1100个密码,换成GeForce GTX 280、Radeon HD 4870、Radeon HD 4870 X2这些显卡能大幅增至11800个、15750个和31500个,而最厉害的是NVIDIA的视觉计算系统Tesla S1070,每秒钟可达52400个,相当于E4500的110倍。
有趣的是,ElcomSoft声称其中使用了他们“独家开发的GPU加速技术”,而非基于NVIDIA CUDA、ATI Stream或者OpenCL等。
ElcomSoft Wireless Security Auditor支持Windows NT SP4、Windows 2000、Windows XP、Windows Vista、Windows Server 2003、Windows Server 2008等操作系统,售价高达1199美元,不过在今年3月1日钱半价优惠,只要599.5美元。
ElcomSoft Co. Ltd. 正促成 ATI 和 NVIDIA 硬件共同专注于加强 Wi-Fi 密码恢复。在 ATI 和 NVIDIA 制作的最新一代显卡功能的支持下,最新发布的 Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor 1.0 能够更高速地进行数字运算,从而帮助用户比以往更快找回 Wi-Fi密码。
   Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor 可以通过尝试恢复对 Wi-Fi 通信进行加密的 WPA/WPA2 PSK 初始密码来帮助系统管理员实现对无线网络安全的监控。通过运用由两大显卡制造商 ATI 和 NVIDIA 提供的硬件加速技术,Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor 已逐渐成为市场上最快速且最具成本效益的 Wi-Fi 密码恢复和无线安全监控工具之一。
   GPU 加速 Wi-Fi 密码恢复
   ElcomSoft 独有的最新一代 GPU 加速技术首次同时支持 ATI 和 NVIDIA 硬件。该技术将部分繁重的计算处理卸载到最新款 ATI和 NVIDIA 主板所特有的高速且高度可升级的处理器上。当一款或多款可兼容的 ATI 或 NVIDIA 显卡面市时,正在申请专利的 GPU 加速技术就能自动发挥作用了。
   这次,ElcomSoft 采用了这项技术来加速对 WPA/WPA2 PSK 密码的恢复,使网络管理员能够在他们的无线网络上执行定时攻击,以确定其网络究竟是否安全。考虑到 WPA/WPA2 以最短8个字符密码实现的强大安全性,Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor 以高级变形实施了最高性能的字典攻击,从而在有限的时间内实现密码核对。
   ElcomSoft Co. Ltd. 简介
   ElcomSoft Co. Ltd. 成立于1990年,致力于开发业界一流的计算机取证工具,提供计算机取证培训和计算机证据咨询服务。自1997年以来,ElcomSoft 一直为企业、执法、军事和情报机构提供支持。ElcomSoft 工具广泛应用于大多数财富500强企业、全球众多军事分支机构、外国**屏蔽**以及所有大型会计事务所。ElcomSoft 及其高管是 Russian Cryptology Association 成员。ElcomSoft 还是微软认证合作伙伴 (Microsoft Certified Partner) 和英特尔软件合作伙伴 (Intel Software Partner)。
Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor allows network administrators to verify how secure a company’s wireless network is by executing an audit of accessible wireless networks. Featuring patent-pending cost-efficient GPU acceleration technologies, Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor attempts to recover the original WPA/WPA2-PSK text passwords in order to test how secure your wireless environment is. It examines the security of your wireless network by attempting to break into the network from outside or inside. Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor works completely in off-line, undetectable by the Wi-Fi network being probed, by analyzing a dump of network communications in order to attempt to retrieve the original WPA/WPA2-PSK passwords in plain text.


Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor allows carrying out a password audit within a limited timeframe. Representing state-of-the-art in password recovery, Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor is one of the fastest and most advanced tools for recovering Wi-Fi passwords. If Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor fails to recover a Wi-Fi password within a reasonable time, the entire wireless network can be considered secure. ElcomSoft has pioneered many software innovations that have made it easier to recover passwords protecting various types of resources. For the first time in the industry, the company’s patent-pending GPU acceleration makes its way into Wi-Fi password recovery, reducing the time required to recover Wi-Fi passwords up to a hundred times. Supporting up to four NVIDIA boards such as GeForce 8, 9, and 200, as well as ATI video cards such as RADEON HD 3000 Series and up, Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor allows building servers with supercomputer performance at a fraction of the price.
If one of your network workstations is compromised and a malicious person gets network access to at least one system, it may not even be necessary for an attacker to be physically close to the wireless network in order to obtain full access to data sent and received. A password hash is normally stored in the Windows Registry, and can be retrieved remotely for off-line analysis. Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor can simulate attacks from the inside by automatically importing saved password hashes as retrieved by Elcomsoft Proactive System Password Recovery. This kind of attacks allows determining how secure your wireless network is to insider attacks.


» Determine how secure your wireless network is
» Test the strength of WPA/WPA2-PSK passwords protecting your wireless network
» Save time with patent-pending GPU acceleration technology when one or more compatible NVIDIA or ATI video cards are present
» Run advanced dictionary attacks with highly configurable variations
» Perform attacks from inside or outside of your network
Home Page: www.elcomsoft.com
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: multilingual
Size: 7.34MB

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